The Leaders of Brickell
6 Week Program

Nonprofits will be selected through our Brickell Community Chamber nonprofit members. All nonprofits need to be registered 501c3s in order to participate. All nonprofits wanting to be part of the Leaders of Brickell program must apply and be approved by April 25th. We allow 10 nonprofits to join the program per quarter.
Nonprofits are in need of additional resources from the community. We bridge talent with nonprofits to help accomplish their goals. Nonprofits will have one initiative goal they present to the Brickell Community Chamber through formal application. This goal could be fundraising, website development, fundraising efforts or more.
The program will commence May 5th for the Leaders of Brickell education three week portion. Nonprofits registered for the Leaders of Brickell program and approved will be selected during this time. This allows the teams to learn more about each of the nonprofits.
On May 26th, 2025, the leaders in training will select from the list of nonprofits and be organized into small groups. The nonprofits will be connected to their groups on May 30th to begin their nonprofit initiative goal. The program is completed by on June 16th, 2025.

For Leader Applicants